
Welcome to my technical writing and content showcase - a curated collection of technical writing samples crafted with precision and expertise. These samples are essentially technical writing about technical writing, and the topics include the typically used frameworks used for creating and deploying content, as well as other subjects related to technical content creation.

Document Frameworks Explored:

  • DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture):

    DITA provides a structured and modular approach to content creation, allowing for the development of topics that can be easily reused and repurposed. Our articles explore various DITA topics, such as typical elements and attributes, as well as many other basic DITA concepts.

  • Docbook:

    Docbook, an XML-based documentation system, allows for the creation of high-quality, print and web-ready documents. Dive into our Docbook samples to experience the flexibility and robustness it brings to our technical communication.

  • ePub & PDF:

    The ePub format is synonymous with digital publishing, offering a dynamic and adaptable platform for distributing documentation, while Adobe's PDF is the most ubiquitous, universal document format available. You can download the ePub and pdf versions of each DITA project I've created from the main article index.

  • Coming Soon

    Future writing samples devoted to an exploration of OpenAPI's Swagger and Test Scenario.

Authoring & Web Development Tools used:

My commitment to excellence extends beyond frameworks to the tools I employ for crafting technical documentation and deploying it to the web. I used Oxygen XML Author and JetBrains PHP Storm to create this site. CodeIgniter is the open source MVC framework used. Check out the code for this project on Github .